Masters Thesis

A cluster analysis of transgender and gender non-conforming people

People who are transgender identify as a gender other than the one they were assigned at birth. The Williams Institute estimates there are nearly 700,000 transgender individuals living in the United States as of 2011 (Gates, 2011). However, much of the previous research is limited and combines sexual minorities (e.g., lesbian individuals) and gender minorities (e.g., transgender individuals) into one group of participants. This study analyzed data collected exclusively from 2,563 transgender respondents to the 2011 National Transgender Discrimination Survey. An exploratory hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to determine if there are subgroups among the transgender population based on a set of five differentiating types of variables: demographic, gender/sexuality, physical health, mental health, and environmental variables. Results indicate there are three clusters within the sample: male to female transgender individuals with positive physical and mental health statuses; female to male transgender individuals with positive physical and mental health statuses; and transgender individuals who have negative physical and mental health statuses. These findings add to the limited research that focuses on the transgender population and indicate distinct types of transgender individuals with distinct characteristics and needs.

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