Masters Thesis

The twenty-second amendment: a study of the political support that re-established the two term tradition

This study is an attempt to discover what those forces and circumstances were and to satisfy several questions that have appeared. The amending process as outlined in the Constitution requires substantial support of a resolution before it can be submitted to the several states for approval. There also must be a unity of opinion among the states, for ratification also demands sizable support. Therefore, what was the nature of the support given to the resolution on the floor of Congress and later by the state legislatures? In answering this question it will be necessary to satisfy still another. What events brought forth the support needed to add the Twenty second Amendment to the Constitution? And a final question, one that cannot be answered to the full satisfaction of everyone, is this; Is it necessary to limit the freedom of choice of the people of the United States in the selection of the most important officer in their government?

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