Masters Thesis

The efficacy of spectral biofeedback and traditional articulation therapy in increasing production of /ɹ/ in school-aged children with speech sound disorders

The purpose of this study was to determine if spectral biofeedback paired with traditional articulation treatment would be effective methods in treating school-aged children with an articulation disorder characterized by the inability to accurately produce the phoneme /ɹ/. Three children between the ages of 6-8 years were selected to participate in the study. A multiple baselines across participants design was used to investigate the research question. Each participant received 12 treatment sessions for /ɹ/ and progressed through a hierarchy of complexity based on individual success. Post treatment, each participant received a pure probe to assess generalization across the taught phoneme. Results of the study indicated an increase in /ɹ/ production and increased accuracy across perceptual and acoustic measures.

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