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Recent Submissions

  • Vega, Oscar; Ortiz, Jazmin; Hauschild, Jessica (Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2015)
    We prove that the well-covered dimension of the Levi graph of a point-line configuration with v points, b lines, r lines incident with each point, and every line containing k points is equal to 0, whenever r > 2.
  • Vega, Oscar; Johnson, Norman L.; Cherowitzo, Bill (Academia Press, 2016)
    Connections are made between deficiency one α-flokki and Baer groups of associated α-flokki translation planes, extending the theory of Johnson and Payne-Thas. The full collineation group of an α-flokki is completely ...
  • Vega, Oscar; Birnbaum, Isaac; Kuneli, Megan; Urabe, Katherine; McDonald, Robyn (De Gruyter, 2014)
    We discuss how to find the well-covered dimension of a graph that is the Cartesian product of paths, cycles, complete graphs, and other simple graphs. Also, a bound for the well-covered dimension of Kn × G is found,provided ...
  • Vega, Oscar; Johnson, Norman L. (Universita del Salento, 2006)
    If 𝜋 is a finite symplectic translation plane, it is shown that any affine homology group is cyclic and has order dividing the order of the kernel homology group. This criterion provides a means to ensure that a given ...
  • Vega, Oscar; Diaz, Esteban (Universita del Salento, 2009)
    Translation planes of order q2 and spread in P G(3, q), where q is an odd prime power and q 2 − 1 has a p-primitive divisor, that admit a linear Abelian group of order (q + 1)2 containing at most three kernel homologies ...